Angelina Jolie

Celebrities really have a thing for having a nice view from their beds, and Angelina Jolie might just have won the best bedroom of all time award. To put it into perspective, Jolie’s house costs around $25 million, and you already know that amount of money will give you only the finest things in life. It’s hard not to win the best bedroom award if you have six bedrooms in one house, but one particular bedroom stands out in Jolie’s million-dollar home, though.

Aside from having a direct access to their private patio with the amazing view of Los Angeles, this bedroom has every possible décor an old-schooler would love. Beautifully decorated with dark wood, an elegant fireplace, and complete wooden flooring, this bedroom simply screams millionaire. The bedroom is everything you’d expect from a multi-award winning actress to live in— and you can tell that Jolie’s $100 million net worth is being put into good use.
