Warren Buffet | $84.6 BILLION

Warren Buffet is one of the wealthiest people to grace the planet and of the most influentially philanthropic person in recent times. In Omaha stands his multinational conglomerate being the CEO and the largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway. He is named the Oracle of Omaha due to him being well respected in his line of work and his personal frugality. The entrepreneur started young in the realm of business, and entrepreneurs demonstrating his knowledge and financial abilities by going through neighborhoods selling candies and soft drinks.

At age 20, he learned about stock and investments, having saved over $10,000. He was prevalent and focused on his career track that by the time of his early thirties, he was already a millionaire by the time of his early thirties. He further invested in other ventures and businesses to amplify his company and ownership. Despite all the wealth, Buffet is remained to be a very generous individual and has always shown to compensate back to society. He is a notable philanthropist and has pledged to give donate a significant portion of his earnings to the social community. Forbes stated the Buffet’s estimated net worth is $84.6 billion as of December 2020.
