Banking $500 thousand per episode at her prime as Elaine on Seinfeld, Julia-Louis-Dreyfus is a name that’s hard to miss. Well-versed in the field of comedy, Julia made her way into the industry initially as part of the cast of Saturday Night Live after being scouted in the Practical Theatre Company. Julia’s time in SNL was short-lived, only spanning for three years until he eventually met Larry David, who she’d go and act in Seinfeld for.

In Seinfeld, Julia went on to get critically acclaimed for her outstanding performance as Elaine. It was also this show that took the credit for giving Julia her Emmy Award. Julia would amass a whopping $250 million net worth generated from her acting projects and numerous other ventures like TV producing throughout her successful career. Beauty and brains are hard to come by, but Julia makes it look so easy, and she does it while being insanely rich and witty.
